droppin' forward
Ondrop Fellas 5 years anniversary tape, hosted by Raphael.
"Love and hate can never be friends." With these words, one of the prophets of reggae music drew a clear line between what is good and what is bad. A message imprinted in the years that can not be forgotten if you love this music, this culture. In Jamaica is emerging a new wave of "Reggae", which is inspired by the messages of hope and non-violence, love and not hate, as Dennis Brown wrote in his songs. OneDrop Fellas, on the occasion of the first 5 years of operation, celebrate with this "Droppin 'Forward: The Five years anniversary Tape" a clear turnaround in the universe Black gold and green, with a selection in pure "OneDrop" style. The best productions, the last tunes and the singers of the moment, with an ear on the past and one in the future.